Future Grand Chief of the Mikinaks? image credit: Lisa Osler

I’ve been pretty vocal on social media about my extreme disappointment with Joseph Boyden and that whole mess, but I certainly haven’t felt like putting together a comprehensive list of how he’s screwed up and what it means. Luckily, someone else was willing to do that work, and I’d like to share that information with you!

With remarkable clarity and humour, Not Your Average Indian has put together the definitive “10 Reasons Why Joseph Boyden is a Problem and Should Go Away“.  Enjoy!


Chelsea Vowel Métis from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. Currently living in Edmonton Author, freelance writer, speaker


Pierrette Meilleur · March 7, 2017 at 2:18 pm

Is the man in the picture of the future Grand Chief of the Mikinaks Joseph Boyden?

    âpihtawikosisân · March 7, 2017 at 3:05 pm

    I mean, who’s to say? I heard an oral story about a prophecy possibly cribbed from an autobiography buried under a sidewalk in Willowdale that had this picture as its cover. Is it Boyden, or his spirit gone back in time, owned by no one, accountable to none, answering the call of Riel who said his people would sleep for 100 years until someone adopted the grandson of Injun Joe?

      Pierrette Meilleur · March 7, 2017 at 3:17 pm

      I was afraid it was a recent picture of Boyden since there is a new so called aboriginal community called Mikinaks in Quebec which was started with the help of the Grand Chief Guillaume Carle of the Confederation of Aboriginals of Canada who supposedly represents all the aboriginal people of Canada (appointed by himself and his followers without the consent of all the aboriginals of Canada – smile). He is creating havock everywhere he goes. I am sure you have heard of him. Boyden and Carle are from the same fiber, shall not be trusted.

      Gayl · March 7, 2017 at 3:30 pm

      LOLOLOLOL…..ahhhhh..that was good! Have you considered a career in comedy???

pheel09 · March 7, 2017 at 6:56 pm

It should be shameful to someone who purports to be indigenous that his ignorance and actions make it far easier for Canadians to eliminate from their consciousness the very current reality of First Nations, their cultures and the accompanying social, political and spiritual problems caused by the influx of those who have no connection to Earth and her sacred nature, who only seek the earth for exploitation, as a means of profit and status.

SJackson · March 8, 2017 at 1:10 pm

I was shocked about the plagiarism, however, have you read Wab Kinew’s article? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/there-is-room-in-our-circle-for-joseph-boyden/article33467823/

    âpihtawikosisân · March 10, 2017 at 10:17 am

    I have, and just as I said when I first read it, if Wab wants to adopt Boyden then maybe we can finally figure out who to hold accountable for all of Boyden’s misdeeds.

    Boyden has done none of the things Wab suggested could be a path to redemption. Instead he continues to create divisions among Indigenous people by pitting us against one another on his behalf.

      SJackson · March 10, 2017 at 11:51 am

      Thank you for the clarification. And best wishes to you in your studies.

Shebel · September 4, 2017 at 4:11 am

I hope you Natives are pissed off. There is absolutely no way to excuse this asshole.

I don’t mind joking—-But–this goes too far.
He is arrogant and insulting.

NDN89 · February 18, 2018 at 10:16 pm

Actually it is you Chelsea that is “creating divisions among Indigenous people” by pitting different groups against one another because of you’re own beliefs” . YOU DO NOT speak for us First Nations people. At best you are a settler with some Cree heritage through one parent far back. You are no more aboriginal by blood then any “other” Metis in other parts of Canada that I’ve seen you call frauds. I for one am growing tired of people like you speaking for us First Nations people. Ever stupid white women…
Signed a Real NDN

    âpihtawikosisân · February 27, 2018 at 10:16 am

    Lol, heaven forbid you find a white person in your background, according to you, that’d make you a Not Real NDN. I love how you are all “you are pitting blah blah blah” and then on with your anti-Métis crap. Kind of cuts the legs off that poor high horse you’re sitting on.

    Hold tightly onto that blood quantum notion the colonizers brought. Just don’t squeeze too hard, it might slip out of your fingers.

    pheel09 · February 27, 2018 at 9:11 pm

    You know the Nazis tried to achieve some form of genetic purity and ending up creating death by the metric tonne. The British tried to impose their vision of “cultural purity” through an ever-expanding Empire, but they turned out to be mostly murderous derelicts, “gifting” blankets knowingly infected with small pox and tuberculosis in their attempts to annihilate original peoples the world over.

    Let’s assume for a moment you have “purity of blood” and can therefore prove such a thing exists, please explain how it somehow results in you being a better human being than “others” who do not. I ask because your discourse sounds an awful lot like a justification for similar genetic or cultural distinctions regarding indigeneity that oppressors have been using for centuries against cultures they felt free to abuse and annihilate at will.

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