The question I get, every single time I publish any piece at all on Indigenous issues is, “okay fine, but what are your solutions?” Often coupled with this question is the implication or outright accusation that all “we” (Indigenous people, or maybe just me, personally) do is complain without thinking of ways to make things better. Most frustrating is the fact that in the pieces I publish about Indigenous issues, I almost always DO provide concrete solutions. I guess people just don’t read that far?

Here’s what makes sense to most people, I think:

  • study an issue, do exhaustive research to understand a problem and the root causes
  • come up with some concrete solutions to address immediate emergency needs, as well as addressing long term root causes
  • implement those solutions
  • repeat as needed for each issue

I mean, can we all get on board with that? This approach is a heck of a lot better than editorials and coffee-shop chats, right?

Well…in many cases the first two steps have been done! I understand that it can feel like nothing has been accomplished, since so little has changed over time. If no one ever told you about the various commissions, inquiries, reports, audits and so forth, you might think that everyone is wasting so much time complaining that no one ever gets to the point of trying to fix things!

I hope right now you’re sitting there a little incredulously going, “wait, you’re saying that the facts, and the solutions, are out there? So why aren’t things better?”

We’ve skipped an important step: implementing solutions

When Canadians rightfully demand to know why conditions faced by Indigenous peoples in this country remain so dismal, folks often rush to the conclusion that everything has been tried and nothing has worked.

We have the information we need to act, we have the research that backs it up, we even have specific dollar amounts attached to many of these solutions. What we continue to not have is the political will to implement solutions.

Let me give you a very specific example. One of the perennial issues in First Nations communities is the lack of safe drinking water. In 2011, Neegan Burnside Ltd. released a comprehensive national report on the state of First Nations drinking water and waste water systems. This study itself was recommended by the Auditor General and a Senate Committee, so in a sense its existence is also a solution to the problem of “what is the actual situation?” The study is an implemented solution to the problem of lack of hard data.

That report is freely available for every person in Canada to read. It gives you background on the problem and provides a number of possible suggestions along with specific costs to implement them.

The report rightly makes note of the fact that the government must ultimately be the one to decide which solutions are implemented. After all, when it comes to implementing solutions to problems faced by Indigenous peoples, very often the responsibility lies on the government, not individual Canadians with limited political power. I point this out, because we need to make sure we understand who is accountable for lack of progress here. Nonetheless, democratic governments are supposed to take their cues from the people, so regular Canadians do have an important part to play in shifting policy.

The report clearly breaks down the projected costs to meet various needs. Please don’t ask about solutions to the problem of lack of clean drinking water on reserve, and then not read these comprehensive and detailed answers.

Here is the section on upgrading existing drinking water systems to meet Indian Affairs standards: Cost Analysis: Upgrade to Meet INAC’s Protocol: Water.

The cost? $783 million total. This includes

  • a one-time $300 million construction cost to upgrade existing systems with a 25% allowance for engineering and contingencies
  • a non-construction cost of $16.4 million to train operators, develop Maintenance Management systems, Emergency Response Plans and so on, so the systems can be self-sufficient and self-supporting
  • an annual maintenance and operation cost of $4.1 million

So while $783 million seems like a huuuuuge amount, you can see that this is not about “throwing money at the problem”. It is about building capacity. You don’t need to construct drinking water systems from scratch every single year; that $300 million one-time cost is necessary to address systems that through lack of adequate maintenance have deteriorated to the point where they no longer function properly. If the money is invested as suggested, $4.1 a year afterwards for clean drinking water on over 600 reserves across Canada is not an unreasonable amount. It’s not even a large amount.

The report goes on to discuss waste water needs as well. In the cost analysis, costs are further broken down by level of risk from high to low. This would allow the government to focus on the communities with the highest needs to get the ball rolling, and then stagger development over the next few years.

Breaking down all the costs, and what the money would specifically go towards, the Neegan Burnside report states that to really solve the issue on reserve, an immediate $1.2 billion is needed to bring water and waste water systems up to the standards created by INAC itself. This is a huge investment, but the result would be properly constructed and functioning systems, and self-sustaining management regimes. The $1.2 billion builds what is needed and ensures reserves have the capacity to keep things going.

Neegan Burnside also projected that over 10 years, a further $4.7 billion would be needed to ensure “that water and wastewater systems for First Nations are able to grow with First Nation communities”.

So break that down. If we really want to solve the issue of lack of safe drinking water on reserve we need to do the things listed in the report and spend:

  • $1.2 billion immediately (staggered if necessary to prioritize the communities with the highest need)
  • $4.1 million annually to maintain those systems forever
  • $470 million a year over 10 years to construct new, or expand existing water and wastewater facilities to match population growth on reserves

An independent assessment tells us this is what is needed. We have a plan, we have specific steps to be taken, we even know the cost and can make informed decisions about which communities need help first. The previous government failed to act, and the situation has arguably worsened since 2011.

Oh! Didn’t the Liberals put this into their 2016 budget?

On page 143 of the Liberal budget 2016, there is a reference to the 2011 Neegan Burnside report. The budget promises $1.8 billion over five years. This is a bit optimistic, because it assumes the Liberals will get reelected, so let’s not count our chicks before they hatch! In fact, the Liberal budget back-ends a lot of the promised funding, meaning it will only materialize IF they are reelected.

On pages 147 and 148 of the budget, you can see that over two years the Liberals promise to spend $618 million on “strengthening on reserve water and waste water infrastructure” as well as $55 million on water monitoring. That is a total of $673 million for two years, which is nothing to sneeze at!

Nonetheless, this amount comes nowhere near the $1.2 billion that is needed immediately just to bring water and waste water systems up to acceptable (and safe) standards and it certainly cannot cover the costs of growing these systems. At best, according to the Neegan Burnside upgrade cost summary, this amount could address short terms water and waste water management needs in the highest risk First Nations, and a fraction of the communities with medium level risk. Even if the entire $1.8 billion does materialize after a Liberal reelection, the stated needs will not be met.

Something is better than nothing, isn’t it?

Oh absolutely. This is such a vital area of need. I thought we were talking about solutions though, not just short term triage?

The longer water and waste water systems are allowed to deteriorate in First Nations, the more expensive it is going to be to fix them up. Ultimately, we need the political will to effectively address this problem in the comprehensive manner laid out by the research.

Water and waste water management is just one issue. There are many others. When faced with these issues, too often Canadians assume that a lot of work is being done to solve these problems, and it isn’t working because First Nations communities are inherently “unfixable”. This is not true. Despite pouring millions of dollars into research that results in concrete suggestions, successive Canadian governments are failing to implement these solutions. THAT is where we need to focus our attention. On applying the knowledge already out there.

We don’t lack the way, we lack the will.

How can I find the solutions that have already been proposed?

Good question! One great way to find studies on specific issues facing Indigenous communities today is to search that term + report. For example, “Aboriginal incarceration report“. You’ll find the very first hit leads you to the Office of the Correctional Investigator, and a page that has annual reports and recommendations on the issue going back to 2008-2009. These reports include a “report card” on how well (or not) the government has implemented previous suggestions so you can even find out if progress is being made.

These reports are roadmaps. We can choose to follow them or not, but regardless, they exist.

Don’t assume that everything has been tried, and it’s all failed. The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples laid out a 20 year plan with 444 recommendations, almost all of which have never been implemented. Instead of proposing drastic solutions based on feeling like the situation is hopeless, why don’t we all do something much more radical? Let’s work with the solutions out there, and try…REALLY try to make things better.

Can we do that, Canada?


Chelsea Vowel Métis from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. Currently living in Edmonton Author, freelance writer, speaker


Melinda Artz · April 15, 2016 at 10:20 am

Well done! Witness yesterday’s Supreme Court decision!

Ien in the Kootenays · April 15, 2016 at 10:23 am

Thank you. Sharing.

Ruth Pickering · April 15, 2016 at 11:02 am

It must be very frustrating. And thank you for the link re water cinditions. We settlers need a lot of reminding and your offering the links is very helpful
Keep up the good work. This is a valuable blog.

audreymcsquared · April 15, 2016 at 11:05 am

I love your writing, on every level. Sharing this. I hope Canada does have the will, I know I do as a result of your writing.

vagelis montreal · April 15, 2016 at 12:21 pm

You cannot set an imperial construction call it canada and then expect to change….the only way “canada” will change is to deconstruct it and start again….imagine having a head of state that lives somewhere else….anyway…the owners of the lands we all call “canada” have and will always be the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years….

Settler societies will never stop the ongoing genocide on the owners of the lands they settle, until the owners are no longer when an anglo says “sorry’ or has some “royal commission(wow! royal!! hahah) it means nothing for people who know….

    âpihtawikosisân · April 15, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    Totally agree that the best “solution” is decolonization. The one positive thing about the Royal Commission is the incredible input Indigenous peoples had into it. Our perspectives (including the fact that we govern ourselves, and that Canada is not legitimate) is represented in there. Of course, a colonial government will never work itself out of legitimacy so that’s a Catch-22.

      vagelis montreal · April 19, 2016 at 11:15 am

      Edit: nope. I am not posting a link to any work involving Kevin Arnett.

        âpihtawikosisân · April 20, 2016 at 6:53 am

        Kevin Arnett is an unscrupulous huckster, provocateur and conspiracy theorist who has done real harm to the investigations into child deaths at Residential Schools. He taints everything he touches, and the report you have attempted to link to is a travesty of unsubstantiated claims overlying self-aggrandizing propaganda. It isn’t welcome here, take that Settler fraud and put him on the shelf with the rest of them.

          vagelis montreal · April 20, 2016 at 7:41 am

          I find it very interesting that you accept the fact that imperial constructions will not deconstruct themselves but you accept Royal Commissions….it does not make sense to me….

          Anyway, I apologize for any offense caused…

          Good luck with your struggle and I hope you are happy being a very small part of this “multicultural’ society that is called “canada”….

          âpihtawikosisân · April 20, 2016 at 7:54 am

          I accept what Indigenous peoples told the RCAP, and those parts that were incorporated into the report. I accept that Canada will not hear us unless filtered through one of its own processes. The RCAP is for them, not for Indigenous peoples. We have our own way of discussing decolonization and it isn’t in English…

          I find it very interesting that you’ll go to bat for a Settler who, like most Settlers, believes he has all the answer for us poor dumb Indians.

Grace Atkinson · April 15, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Good piece – as a White person, I know that many White people do not want solutions that place any responsibility on us. Widely held beliefs that Indigenous people already get everything for free at tax payers expense is key. Wider spread ignorance about the source of the money ($ held in trust vs tax money); and an absence of undersranding about treaty entitlements – combine to want the full load picked up by those who were colonized…I challenge non-Indigenous settlers to find out what they receive in treat entitlements and what that costs Indigenous people – a great place to start!!

Blog Woman!!! · April 15, 2016 at 4:51 pm

Another great piece, Chelsea and thank you! I’ve finally just shortened my own responses to, we’re not looking for your ideas, we have our own, thanks. Of course, that sets them off in another way, but as you pointed out, it’s not like they were really interested in real dialogue anyway.

    hoydenmusings · April 16, 2016 at 1:12 pm

    I think this is a great point, “we’re not looking for your ideas, we have our own, thanks.” But how to execute those ideas? âpihtawikosisân mentions the lack of political will to make things happen. Trudeau and the Liberals speak of a new nation-to-nation process and I am wondering how that translates into real action. I’m thinking, the closest we have to this right now is the Québécois nation motion and the relationship between the federal government and the province of Quebec. A quote from Wikipedia “in modern Canadian constitutional theory, the provinces are considered to be co-sovereign divisions.” Could Indigenous Canadians form their own virtual province? The relationship between the feds and the provinces is already well-established. This eleventh province would allow Indigenous Canadians control over everything already established as provincial jurisdiction and party to equalization payments. As for political will, I think this virtual province should be guaranteed a minimum number of seats in the House of Commons just like Prince Edward Island. I also think the Senate should be restructured to reflect equal representation by region (and leave rep by pop for the HoC). This would be a major restructuring for our country, but it could be a long term solution for indigenous self governance. What do you think?

      Blog Woman!!! · April 16, 2016 at 3:16 pm

      I think you bring up good points, but initially I would defer to the nations that have their needs and ideas outlined. These have been put out in public statements for as long as I can remember and yet, it’s as if no one of Indigenous concern has ever spoken. Outside of the larger picture that you point to, I think there are too many immediate crises that need attention now and those needs alone require all the heads to start acting now – with what is available now.
      Some of my thoughts revolve around greatly reducing or disbanding that government department that currently takes more than half of the allotted annual funds for bands, currently in the $7B range, to “administer’ them. There needs to be an in depth accounting of where those funds have gone for decades.
      It’s in these monies issues that I believe the everlasting lack of political will begins. How will the rest of the country ‘suffer; if they aren’t using the resources that should have been applied to the ‘wards’ they were intended for according to treaty and Indian Acts? The admittance of all the abuses and devastation responsibility would require all Canadians to visit the idea that they’d have to let go of the upper hand in privileges is the crux of that lack of political will, to my mind.
      In the immediate and long term, I am passionate that the facts of Canada’s true history are taught fully in all schools at every level. Not only for the sake of reducing the ignorance that bears out the racism at systemic and social levels, but to also develop the understanding and empathy from most people for the hard realities that need to be faced such as that reduction in privilege.
      As for the political side, I do think there should be a political restructuring that puts the Indigenous at the head tables, but how those details would be sorted,I leave to the more aware and thinking minds than mine.
      Thanks so much for your thoughts.

Klaus Offermann · April 16, 2016 at 8:05 am

Thank you.

Frederick ( Fred) Eugene Anthony Jackson · April 16, 2016 at 1:59 pm

The safe water project must be completed and then showing the government it has been done have the government pay for it.
I am a retired CA and may possibility work out a method of financing ( or may not ) to get the job done and then paid for by normal charges for water for ongoing operation.
This payment will reduce the problem of copper pipes disappearing etc. as such items will be loaded onto the normal useage charge paid by the household.
Many eyes will be watching the safety and economical operation of the water system.

phil · April 17, 2016 at 10:47 pm

i live in Brazil and comparative examples for many of the problems you raise could so easily be applied to the current situation of the surviving First Nations of Brazil – as one of the comments emphasized, this Canadian problem looks awfully similar to others around the world. i pray that the Libs get their act together up north

Jared Milne · April 21, 2016 at 7:45 pm

I may have posted this before on this blog, but I’m always bemused by the fact that non-Indigenous Canadians always seem to think that all the onus for change should be on Indigenous peoples, without the non-Indigenous peoples having to change one whit. We demand higher standards for Indigenous peoples, but when non-Indigenous leaders fuck up, we simply throw up our hands and figure they’re all corrupt, so nothing will change.

Meanwhile, we continue to demand that Indigenous people should be made to relocate, to be “civilized”, to “get over” the trauma and abuse, and more.

It’s shameful, but none too surprising, of course, that Art Manuel had to talk about many of the same things in “Unsettling Canada: A National Wakeup Call” that his dad George Manuel did in “The Fourth World: An Indian Reality”.

    âpihtawikosisân · April 22, 2016 at 7:24 am

    Both books should be mandatory reading in Canada. Brilliant works.

cluculzwriter · April 22, 2016 at 9:51 am

I’m in shock that I haven’t found you before now. I’m not your typical Metis. I was born in Manitoba but have spent my life in BC, and now hope to move to New Brunswick. I stand tall and firm in my convictions that I am equal to all men. It’s an interesting world we live in. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have a good voice and write good works. Thanks.

    âpihtawikosisân · April 22, 2016 at 10:00 am

    I dunna, for a lot of Métis “moving around a lot” is actually typical!

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