Ruby’s Story
Today, I’d like to present to you something a little different; an interview of sorts. A while ago, a comment on one of my blog posts really caught my attention. In it, a mother was describing an experience her young Read more…
Today, I’d like to present to you something a little different; an interview of sorts. A while ago, a comment on one of my blog posts really caught my attention. In it, a mother was describing an experience her young Read more…
I’d like to talk about popular perceptions about native peoples and our relationship to the environment. Recently the CBC ran a story about the slaughter of 30 caribou in Northern Manitoba. Chief Joe Antsanen of the Northlands Denesuline First Nation Read more…
I’d like to tell you a story about icewine. Icewine is pressed from grapes that freeze on the vine, and is an incredibly sweet and expensive dessert wine. Not everyone likes it, but I consider it a pretty decadent treat. Read more…
Right now twitter, tumblr and Facebook are exploding with shocking news…apparently Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, has “change[d] [his] tune on residential schools as genocide“. As you can expect, it is upsetting a lot of Read more…
Stories and sayings attributed to Native Americans have been floating around probably since settlers stopped spending all of their time and energy on not dying. I am not entirely certain why stories that never originated in any indigenous nation are Read more…