Tomorrow, September 4th, there will be a press conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa for the launch of a group called Canadians For a New Partnership (CFNP). The website will go live at 10 am EST. You will be able to watch the press conference live online at starting at 10:30 am EST. Also keep an eye on the hashtag #CFNP on twitter tomorrow, as there will be tweets throughout the day keeping people updated on events as they unfold.

miyo-wîcêhtowin is Cree for living in harmony together. The launch of CFNP is one more way that we can work together to create stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples living in Canada, and build a miyo-wîcêhtowin that lasts.

waniskâtân wâpahki mîna mâmawohkamâtotân! Let us all wake up tomorrow and work together!


Chelsea Vowel Métis from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. Currently living in Edmonton Author, freelance writer, speaker


Graham PorterHill · September 3, 2014 at 11:20 pm

Get rid of the black follow sign up if not then I’m gone
You got one more chance.

Blog Woman!!! · September 4, 2014 at 1:10 am

Really exciting stuff. So happy to see you directly involved in such a fantastic effort for the country.

oemissions · September 4, 2014 at 9:51 am


Christo · September 4, 2014 at 9:54 am

I am curious if there is a movement to have Indigenous languages be recognized as official languages in Canada.

Brian Fisher · September 4, 2014 at 3:59 pm

Thanks so much for your efforts. We really do need each other if we hope to create a just and healing world for ourselves and all our relations.

Mary-Anne Brabander · September 7, 2014 at 8:57 am

Finally! A voice that deserves not only to be heard, but one that can be believed. Although I am not in favour of the large, cumbersome, costly and vastly overrated inquiry the once powerful and wanna be powerful are suggesting, there is definitely the need of to clarify why this is happening. There is also the immediate need to involve the law and give those powers the ability and funding to take this situation seriously. They could also do with a few lessons in how to combat misogyny and prejudice. Unfortunately, there are two strikes against these cases moving forward: They were women, and they were aboriginal. Thank you for speaking out. Louder, please!

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